Art Collaborations
with David Byrne
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David Byrne and Danielle Spencer, 2003
Lenticular Photographs, 18x24"
David took the original photographs in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, and the series was printed in his book Your Action World. We started experimenting with the photos, and ultimately decided to replace the companies' names with words such as Beauty, Courage, Honor, Truth, Virtue — positive, iconic, seemingly universal qualities. Many people wonder if the alternate word versions are real — so how plausible would it be to see such a sign? Are they so far off from corporations’ usual self-presentation? Do we usually realize how grandiose corporate iconography really is? And what sort of alternate reality do they represent?
We produced the series as lenticulars (used primarily for commercial or religious purposes, e.g.“winking Jesus”.) To produce a lenticular 2 or more individual images are spliced to create one file with alternating strips, and the resultant print is mounted to a plastic sheet made up of thin lenses such that from any given angle the viewer sees only one set of splices, so only one image at a time. Each of the lenticular photographs in this series are composed of the original photo and a version with alternate text so as the viewer moves from left to right, the word flips back and forth.
Exhibition History:
VACANT by NO IDEA, Tokyo, Japan, 11–26 December 2010
Economy of Scale, Hemphill, Washington, DC, November 7 – December 23, 2009
Trees, Tombstones and Bullet Points, George Eastman House, Rochester, NY, September 25, 2004 – February 6, 2005
Tactical Action, Gigantic ArtSpace, New York, NY, April 14 – June 10, 2004
What is It?, Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, NC, July 19 – September 26, 2003
Illegal Art: Freedom of Expression in the Corporate Age, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Artists Gallery, San Francisco, CA, July 2 – 25, 2003; Nexus Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, October 3 – November 2, 2003; Art and Culture Center of Hollywood, Hollywood, FL, February 2 – April 2, 2006; Pacific Northwest College of Art Feldman Gallery + Project Space, Portland, OR, August 28 – October 21, 2006 (Group)
David Byrne, Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York, NY, March 6 – April 26, 2003
"Good Company: Reimagining Corporate America," ReadyMade, Fall 2003 PDF

The Voting Booth Project: Itsy-Bitsy Democracy / Big Fucking Democracy
David Byrne and Danielle Spencer, 2004
Digital Inkjet Photographs, 30"x40"
The Voting Booth Project : A group of designers and artists re-imagine actual Florida voting booths from the 2000 Presidential election, commenting on design, democracy, and related themes.
Parsons Gallery, New York, NY, October 8 – December 5, 2004

Series by David Byrne: Found books with fictional jackets
Jacket Design: David Byrne and Danielle Spencer
Exhibition History:
What is It?, Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, NC, July 19 – September 26, 2003
David Byrne, Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York, NY, March 6 – April 26, 2003